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Auna anuncia resultados financeiros do 1T24

Digital Finance News Staff



Auna anuncia resultados financeiros do 1T24

A receita aumenta 20% em relação ao ano anterior, para S/1.076 milhões, com o lucro operacional aumentando 26%, para S/182 milhões

Margem EBITDA ajustada de 20,4% nas operações peruanas

LUXEMBURGO, 22 de maio de 2024–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Auna (NYSE: AUNA) (“Auna” ou a “Empresa”)uma das maiores e mais reconhecidas empresas do setor de saúde da América Latina, com operações no México, Colômbia e Peru, anunciou hoje resultados financeiros não auditados para os três meses encerrados em 31 de março de 2024 (“primeiro trimestre de 2024” ou “1T24”).

Os resultados financeiros são expressos em soles peruanos (“S/” ou PEN”) e são apresentados de acordo com as Normas Internacionais de Relatório Financeiro (“IFRS”), salvo indicação em contrário. São apresentados os valores em dólares norte-americanos (US$ ou USD) do 1T24 para fins indicativos e foram calculados usando uma taxa de câmbio de US$ 1 = S/3.718. Todas as comparações neste anúncio são anuais (“YoY”), salvo indicação em contrário, os resultados são apresentados em uma base neutra em termos de câmbio (). “FXN”) para receitas consolidadas, custo consolidado de vendas e serviços, despesas comerciais e administrativas consolidadas e EBITDA ajustado consolidado, bem como, em moeda local para os segmentos México e Colômbia, para eliminar o efeito do câmbio, ou “FXN”) ”, volatilidade entre os períodos de comparação.

Os resultados financeiros são preliminares e estão sujeitos a auditoria e ajustes no final do exercício.

Destaques Financeiros Consolidados do 1T24

  • A receita consolidada aumentou 20% em relação ao ano anterior, para S/1.076 milhões, impulsionada pelo crescimento em todos os mercados geográficos

  • Lucro bruto de S/414 milhões, aumento de 26% em relação ao ano anterior

  • Lucro operacional de S/182 milhões, aumento de 26% em relação ao ano anterior

  • O EBITDA ajustado aumentou 14% em termos homólogos para S/241 milhões

  • Margem EBITDA Ajustada de 22,4%, queda de 1,2 pp YoY, mas aumento de 1,5. pp QoQ

  • O lucro líquido ajustado aumentou para S/22 milhões, acima do ponto de equilíbrio no 1T23

  • O índice de alavancagem melhorou 0,17x em termos trimestrais e 0,52x em relação ao mesmo período do ano anterior, para 4,29x

Mensagem do Presidente Executivo e Presidente da Auna

“Guiada por uma forte liderança em nossas equipes clínicas, de tecnologia e de negócios em toda a Auna, nossa plataforma de saúde regional, horizontal e verticalmente integrada apresentou fortes resultados no primeiro trimestre. Nosso crescimento de 20% na receita consolidada foi o principal impulsionador do aumento de 26% em termos anuais em nosso lucro operacional e aumento de 14% no EBITDA Ajustado.

É importante ressaltar que o Peru atingiu nossa meta de EBITDA Ajustado de 20%. Como deixa claro o nosso sucesso contínuo no Peru, somos capazes de gerar retornos substanciais à medida que a nossa utilização da capacidade aumenta. Isto fortalece a nossa convicção no México, onde estamos empenhados em implementar o mesmo modelo de negócio integrado. Assim, continuamos a investir na adequação das nossas operações em Monterrey aos padrões da AunaWay e na contratação dos melhores talentos, ambos essenciais para expandir os nossos serviços de alta complexidade e aumentar a utilização da capacidade no mercado em rápido crescimento de Monterrey. Nosso desempenho recente em nossa rede OCA em Monterrey é encorajador, com o EBITDA Ajustado aumentando 34% em relação ao 4T23 em moeda local. Também estamos investindo no lançamento planejado da OncoMexico ainda este ano, com a intenção de aproveitar totalmente a licença de seguro nacional e a extensa rede de distribuição que conquistamos com a aquisição da Dentegra no ano passado.

A história continua

À medida que continuamos a desenvolver as nossas capacidades no México, esperamos que os retornos se fortaleçam na segunda metade do ano, dando-nos a capacidade de melhorar a nossa posição financeira através da redução dos níveis absolutos de dívida e do nosso rácio de alavancagem.

Para expandir a nossa perspetiva para o resto de 2024, esperamos que o EBITDA Ajustado aumente 20% ou mais em relação a 2023. Continuamos confiantes na nossa capacidade de perturbar, modernizar e integrar os cuidados de saúde na América Latina de língua espanhola, proporcionando uma forte criação de valor para os stakeholders da Auna . É claro que isso não seria possível sem os muitos médicos, enfermeiros, técnicos, gestores e outros colegas dedicados à nossa missão de transformar a saúde na região”.

Principais métricas financeiras e operacionais
(Valores em milhões de soles e milhões de dólares americanos, salvo indicação em contrário)

*As receitas incluem receitas intercompanhias

1T’24 (USD)

Δ 1T’24 vs.

Principais métricas financeiras






Serviços de saúde no México









Serviços de saúde Colômbia









Serviços de saúde Peru e Oncosalud









Serviços de saúde Peru


















Segurações e Eliminações













Rendimento total









Custo de vendas e serviços













Lucro bruto









Margem Bruta







1,6 pp

1,8 pp














Lucro operacional









Margem Operacional







4,2 pp

0,7 pp

Custos financeiros líquidos













Lucro Líquido (Perda)








Serviços de saúde no México









Serviços de saúde Colômbia









HC Serv. Peru e Oncosalud









Serviços de saúde Peru


















Segurações e eliminações





EBITDA Ajustado









Margem EBITDA Ajustada







1,5 pp

-1,2 pp

Taxa de alavancagem






Lucro Líquido Ajustado (Perda)






Lucro básico e diluído por ação







Lucro por ação básico e diluído ajustado






Principais métricas operacionais

Serviços de saúde

Capacidade total de leitos








Ocupação (capacidade total)







1,3 pp

2,5 pp

Receita média por paciente









Planos de saúde

Plano de assinaturas








Receita média mensal por membro do plano
















1,3 pp

1,8 pp

Planos Oncológicos







0,9 pp

-0,6 pp

Orientação Financeira para 2024

Orientação: Para o ano de 2024, a Empresa espera que o EBITDA Ajustado consolidado aumente pelo menos 20% A/A em uma base neutra em termos de câmbio.

Premissas: A orientação da Auna é baseada nas atuais perspectivas de desempenho da administração e nas condições macroeconômicas e regulatórias esperadas nos três países onde a Empresa opera. Quaisquer alterações nestas condições poderão ter impacto nas orientações fornecidas.

Isenção de responsabilidade: A orientação financeira para 2024 reflete as suposições atuais da administração em relação a vários fatores em evolução que são difíceis de prever com precisão, incluindo aqueles discutidos nos Fatores de Risco estabelecidos no Formulário F-1 da Empresa arquivado na Comissão de Valores Mobiliários dos Estados Unidos (a “SEC”) . As reconciliações de medidas prospectivas não IFRS, especificamente a orientação de EBITDA para 2024, com as medidas prospectivas IFRS relevantes não estão sendo fornecidas, pois a Empresa não possui atualmente dados suficientes para estimar com precisão as variáveis ​​e ajustes individuais para tal orientação e reconciliações. Devido a esta incerteza, a Companhia não pode conciliar o EBITDA projetado com o lucro líquido projetado sem um esforço excessivo. A orientação financeira para 2024 constitui declarações prospectivas. Para obter mais informações, consulte a seção “Declarações Prospectivas” nesta versão.

Para obter uma versão completa do Divulgação de Resultados do Primeiro Trimestre de 2024 da AUNA, visite:

Detalhes da teleconferência

Quando: 17h, horário do leste dos EUA, 22 de maio de 2024

Quem: Sr. Suso Zamora, Presidente Executivo do Conselho e Presidente
Sra. Gisele Remy, Diretora Financeira e Vice-Presidente Executiva
Senhorita Ana Maria Mora, Head de Relações com Investidores

Discar: +1 888 596 4144 (doméstico nos EUA), +1 646 968 2525 (internacional)
Senha: 3884034

Para acessar a chamada de resultados financeiros da Auna via telefone, o chamador precisa pressionar # para se conectar a uma operadora.

Webcast: Clique aqui

Declaração de Porto Seguro

Este comunicado à imprensa contém declarações prospectivas. As declarações prospectivas transmitem nossas expectativas atuais ou previsões de eventos futuros. Essas declarações envolvem riscos conhecidos e desconhecidos, incertezas e outros fatores que podem fazer com que nossos resultados, desempenho ou realizações reais sejam materialmente diferentes das declarações prospectivas que fazemos. Declarações prospectivas normalmente são identificadas por palavras ou frases como “pode”, “irá”, “esperar”, “antecipar”, “objetivar”, “estimar”, “pretender”, “projetar”, “planejar”, ” acreditar”, “potencial”, “continuar”, “provavelmente” ou outras expressões semelhantes. As declarações prospectivas que aparecem em vários lugares deste comunicado à imprensa incluem, mas não estão limitadas a, declarações sobre a intenção, crença ou expectativas atuais, em relação a vários assuntos, incluindo nosso crescimento esperado do EBITDA Ajustado para 2024, o impacto esperado sobre receitas e lucratividade de certas iniciativas que estamos realizando no México e nosso nível de alavancagem alvo. Qualquer uma ou todas as nossas declarações prospectivas neste comunicado à imprensa podem ser imprecisas. Nossos resultados reais podem diferir materialmente daqueles contidos nas declarações prospectivas devido a uma série de fatores.

As declarações prospectivas neste comunicado à imprensa representam nossas expectativas e previsões na data deste comunicado à imprensa. Exceto conforme exigido por lei, não assumimos nenhuma obrigação de atualizar ou revisar publicamente quaisquer declarações prospectivas, seja como resultado de novas informações, eventos futuros ou de outra forma, após a data deste comunicado à imprensa. Para uma discussão sobre os riscos que a Empresa enfrenta e que podem afetar a realização dessas declarações prospectivas, consulte nosso Formulário F-1 arquivado na Comissão de Valores Mobiliários dos EUA.

Sobre AUNA

Auna é uma empresa latino-americana de saúde com operações no México, Peru e Colômbia, priorizando a prevenção e concentrando-se nas doenças de alta complexidade que mais contribuem para os gastos com saúde. A nossa missão é transformar os cuidados de saúde, proporcionando acesso a uma oferta de cuidados de saúde altamente integrada nos mercados pouco penetrados das Américas de língua espanhola. Fundada em 1989, a Auna construiu uma das maiores plataformas modernas de saúde da América Latina, que consiste em uma rede horizontalmente integrada de instalações de saúde e um portfólio verticalmente integrado de planos oncológicos e planos gerais de saúde selecionados. Em 31 de março de 2024, a rede da Auna incluía 31 unidades de rede de saúde, composta por hospitais, ambulatórios, instalações de prevenção e bem-estar com um total de 2.308 leitos e 1,3 milhões de planos de saúde.

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Modiv Industrial to release Q2 2024 financial results on August 6

Digital Finance News Staff



Business Wire

RENO, Nev., August 1, 2024–(BUSINESS THREAD)–Modiv Industrial, Inc. (“Modiv” or the “Company”) (NYSE:MDV), the only public REIT focused exclusively on the acquisition of industrial real estate properties, today announced that it will release second quarter 2024 financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2024 before the market opens on Tuesday, August 6, 2024. Management will host a conference call the same day at 7:30 a.m. Pacific Time (10:30 a.m. Eastern Time) to discuss the results.

Live conference call: 1-877-407-0789 or 1-201-689-8562 at 7:30 a.m. Pacific Time Tuesday, August 6.

Internet broadcast: To listen to the webcast, live or archived, use this link or visit the investor relations page of the Modiv website at

About Modiv Industrial

Modiv Industrial, Inc. is an internally managed REIT focused on single-tenant net-leased industrial manufacturing real estate. The company actively acquires critical industrial manufacturing properties with long-term leases to tenants that fuel the national economy and strengthen the nation’s supply chains. For more information, visit:

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Volta Finance Limited – Director/PDMR Shareholding

Digital Finance News Staff



Volta Finance Limited - Director/PDMR Shareholding

Volta Finance Limited

Volta Finance Limited

Volta Finance Limited (VTA/VTAS)

Notification of transactions by directors, persons exercising managerial functions
responsibilities and people closely associated with them


Guernsey, 1 August 2024

Pursuant to announcements made on 5 April 2019 and 26 June 2020 relating to changes to the payment of directors’ fees, Volta Finance Limited (the “Company” or “Volta”) purchased 3,380 no par value ordinary shares of the Company (“Ordinary Shares”) at an average price of €5.2 per share.

Each director receives 30% of his or her director’s fee for any year in the form of shares, which he or she is required to hold for a period of not less than one year from the respective date of issue.

The shares will be issued to the Directors, who for the purposes of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 on Market Abuse (“March“) are “people who exercise managerial responsibilities” (a “PDMR“).

  • Dagmar Kershaw, Chairman and MDMR for purposes of MAR, has acquired an additional 1,040 Common Shares in the Company. Following the settlement of this transaction, Ms. Kershaw will have an interest in 12,838 Common Shares, representing 0.03% of the Company’s issued shares;

  • Stephen Le Page, a Director and a PDMR for MAR purposes, has acquired an additional 728 Ordinary Shares in the Company. Following the settlement of this transaction, Mr. Le Page will have an interest in 50,562 Ordinary Shares, representing 0.14% of the issued shares of the Company;

  • Yedau Ogoundele, Director and a PDMR for the purposes of MAR has acquired an additional 728 Ordinary Shares in the Company. Following the settlement of this transaction, Ms. Ogoundele will have an interest in 6,862 Ordinary Shares, representing 0.02% of the issued shares of the Company; and

  • Joanne Peacegood, Director and PDMR for MAR purposes has acquired an additional 884 Ordinary Shares in the Company. Following the settlement of this transaction, Ms. Peacegood will have an interest in 3,505 Ordinary Shares, representing 0.01% of the issued shares of the Company;

The notifications below, made in accordance with the requirements of the MAR, provide further details in relation to the above transactions:

a) Dagmar Kershaw

b) Stephen LePage

c) Yedau Ogoundele

e) Joanne Pazgood

a. Position/status


b. Initial Notification/Amendment

Initial notification

  • Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor

a name

Volta Finance Limited

b. LAW


a. Description of the financial instrument, type of instrument

Ordinary actions

b. Identification code


c. Nature of the transaction

Acquisition and Allocation of Common Shares in Relation to Partial Payment of Directors’ Fees for the Quarter Ended July 31, 2024

d. Price(s)

€5.2 per share

e. Volume(s)

Total: 3380

f. Transaction date

August 1, 2024

g. Location of transaction

At the Market – London

Dagmar Kershaw
President and Director

Steve LePage

Yedau Ogoundele Director

It is)
Joanne Pazgood

Aggregate Volume:

€5.2 per share

Aggregate Volume:

€5.2 per share

Aggregate Volume:

€5.2 per share

Aggregate Volume:

€5.2 per share


For the investment manager
AXA Investment Managers Paris
Francois Touati
+33 (0) 1 44 45 80 22

Olivier Pons
+33 (0) 1 44 45 87 30

Company Secretary and Administrator
BNP Paribas SA, Guernsey branch
+44 (0) 1481 750 853

Corporate Broker
Cavendish Securities plc
Andre Worn Out
Daniel Balabanoff
+44 (0) 20 7397 8900


Volta Finance Limited is incorporated in Guernsey under the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008 (as amended) and listed on Euronext Amsterdam and the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange for listed securities. Volta’s home member state for the purposes of the EU Transparency Directive is the Netherlands. As such, Volta is subject to the regulation and supervision of the AFM, which is the regulator of the financial markets in the Netherlands.

Volta’s investment objectives are to preserve its capital throughout the credit cycle and to provide a stable income stream to its shareholders through dividends that it expects to distribute quarterly. The company currently seeks to achieve its investment objectives by seeking exposure predominantly to CLOs and similar asset classes. A more diversified investment strategy in structured finance assets may be pursued opportunistically. The company has appointed AXA Investment Managers Paris, an investment management firm with a division specializing in structured credit, to manage the investment portfolio of all of its assets.


AXA Investment Managers (AXA IM) is a multi-specialist asset management firm within the AXA Group, a global leader in financial protection and wealth management. AXA IM is one of the largest European-based asset managers with 2,700 professionals and €844 billion in assets under management at the end of December 2023.


This press release is issued by AXA Investment Managers Paris (“AXA IM”) in its capacity as alternative investment fund manager (within the meaning of Directive 2011/61/EU, the “AIFM Directive”) of Volta Finance Limited (“Volta Finance”), the portfolio of which is managed by AXA IM.

This press release is for information only and does not constitute an invitation or inducement to purchase shares of Volta Finance. Its circulation may be prohibited in certain jurisdictions and no recipient may circulate copies of this document in violation of such limitations or restrictions. This document is not an offer to sell the securities referred to herein in the United States or to persons who are “U.S. persons” for purposes of Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), or otherwise in circumstances where such an offering would be restricted by applicable law. Such securities may not be sold in the United States absent registration or an exemption from registration under the Securities Act. Volta Finance does not intend to register any part of the offering of such securities in the United States or to conduct a public offering of such securities in the United States.


This communication is being distributed to, and is directed only at, (i) persons who are outside the United Kingdom or (ii) investment professionals falling within Article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (the “Order”) or (iii) high net worth companies and other persons to whom it may lawfully be communicated falling within Article 49(2)(a) to (d) of the Order (all such persons together being referred to as “relevant persons”). The securities referred to herein are available only to, and any invitation, offer or agreement to subscribe for, purchase or otherwise acquire such securities will be made only to, relevant persons. Any person who is not a relevant person should not act on or rely on this document or any of its contents. Past performance should not be relied upon as a guide to future performance.

This press release contains statements that are, or may be deemed to be, “forward-looking statements”. These forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology, including the words “believes”, “anticipates”, “expects”, “intends”, “is/are expected”, “may”, “will” or “should”. They include statements about the level of the dividend, the current market environment and its impact on the long-term return on Volta Finance’s investments. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties and readers are cautioned that such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance. Actual results, portfolio composition and performance of Volta Finance may differ materially from the impression created by the forward-looking statements. AXA IM undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise forward-looking statements.

Any target information is based on certain assumptions as to future events that may not materialize. Due to the uncertainty surrounding these future events, targets are not intended to be and should not be considered to be profits or earnings or any other type of forecast. There can be no assurance that any of these targets will be achieved. Furthermore, no assurance can be given that the investment objective will be achieved.

Figures provided which relate to past months or years and past performance cannot be considered as a guide to future performance or construed as a reliable indicator as to future performance. Throughout this review, the citation of specific trades or strategies is intended to illustrate some of Volta Finance’s investment methodologies and philosophies as implemented by AXA IM. The historical success or AXA IM’s belief in the future success of any such trade or strategy is not indicative of, and has no bearing on, future results.

The valuation of financial assets may vary significantly from the prices that AXA IM could obtain if it sought to liquidate the positions on Volta Finance’s behalf due to market conditions and the general economic environment. Such valuations do not constitute a fairness or similar opinion and should not be relied upon as such.

Publisher: AXA INVESTMENT MANAGERS PARIS, a company incorporated under the laws of France, with registered office at Tour Majunga, 6, Place de la Pyramide – 92800 Puteaux. AXA IMP is authorized by Autorité des Marchés Financiers under registration number GP92008 as an alternative investment fund manager within the meaning of the AIFM Directive.



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Apple to report third-quarter earnings as Wall Street eyes China sales

Digital Finance News Staff



Apple to report third-quarter earnings as Wall Street eyes China sales

Litter (AAPL) is set to report its fiscal third-quarter earnings after the market closes on Thursday, and unlike the rest of its tech peers, the main story won’t be about the rise of AI.

Instead, analysts and investors will be keeping a close eye on iPhone sales in China and whether Apple has managed to stem the tide of users switching to domestic rivals including Huawei.

For the quarter, analysts expect Apple to report earnings per share (EPS) of $1.35 on revenue of $84.4 billion, according to estimates compiled by Bloomberg. Apple saw EPS of $1.26 on revenue of $81.7 billion in the same period last year.

Apple shares are up about 18.6% year to date despite a rocky start to the year, thanks in part to the impact of the company’s Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) in May, where showed off its Apple Intelligence software.

But the big question on investors’ minds is whether iPhone sales have risen or fallen in China. Apple has struggled with slowing phone sales in the region, with the company noting an 8% decline in sales in the second quarter as local rivals including Huawei and Xiaomi gain market share.

CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA - JUNE 10: Apple CEO Tim Cook delivers remarks at the start of the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) on June 10, 2024 in Cupertino, California. Apple will announce plans to incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) into Apple software and hardware. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Apple CEO Tim Cook delivers remarks at the start of the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC). (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images) (Justin Sullivan via Getty Images)

And while some analysts, such as JPMorgan’s Samik Chatterjee, believe sales in Greater China, which includes mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan, rose in the third quarter, others, including David Vogt of UBS Global Research, say sales likely fell about 6%.

Analysts surveyed by Bloomberg say Apple will report revenue of $15.2 billion in Greater China, down 3.1% from the same quarter last year, when Apple reported revenue of $15.7 billion in China. Overall iPhone sales are expected to reach $38.9 billion, down 1.8% year over year from the $39.6 billion Apple saw in the third quarter of 2023.

But Apple is expected to make up for those declines in other areas, including Services and iPad sales. Services revenue is expected to reach $23.9 billion in the quarter, up from $21.2 billion in the third quarter of 2023, while iPad sales are expected to reach $6.6 billion, up from the $5.7 billion the segment brought in in the same period last year. Those iPad sales projections come after Apple launched its latest iPad models this year, including a new iPad Pro lineup powered by the company’s M4 chip.

Mac revenue is also expected to grow modestly in the quarter, versus a 7.3% decline last year. Sales of wearables, which include the Apple Watch and AirPods, however, are expected to decline 5.9% year over year.

In addition to Apple’s revenue numbers, analysts and investors will be listening closely for any commentary on the company’s software launches. Apple Intelligence beta for developers earlier this week.

The story continues

The software, which is powered by Apple’s generative AI technology, is expected to arrive on iPhones, iPads and Macs later this fall, though according to Bloomberg’s Marc GurmanIt won’t arrive alongside the new iPhone in September. Instead, it’s expected to arrive on Apple devices sometime in October.

Analysts are divided on the potential impact of Apple Intelligence on iPhone sales next year, with some saying the software will kick off a new iPhone sales supercycle and others offering more pessimistic expectations about the technology’s effect on Apple’s profits.

It’s important to note that Apple Intelligence is only compatible with the iPhone 15 Pro and newer phones, ensuring that all users desperate to get their hands on the tech will have to upgrade to a newer, more powerful phone as soon as it is available.

Either way, if Apple wants to make Apple Intelligence a success, it will need to ensure it has the features that will make customers excited to take advantage of the offering.

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Number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits hits highest level in a year

Digital Finance News Staff



Number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits hits highest level in a year

The number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits hit its highest level in a year last week, even as the job market remains surprisingly healthy in an era of high interest rates.

Jobless claims for the week ending July 27 rose 14,000 to 249,000 from 235,000 the previous week, the Labor Department said Thursday. It’s the highest number since the first week of August last year and the 10th straight week that claims have been above 220,000. Before that period, claims had remained below that level in all but three weeks this year.

Weekly jobless claims are widely considered representative of layoffs, and while they have been slightly higher in recent months, they remain at historically healthy levels.

Strong consumer demand and a resilient labor market helped avert a recession that many economists predicted during the Federal Reserve’s prolonged wave of rate hikes that began in March 2022.

As inflation continues to declinethe Fed’s goal of a soft landing — reducing inflation without causing a recession and mass layoffs — appears to be within reach.

On Wednesday, the Fed left your reference rate aloneBut officials have strongly suggested a cut could come in September if the data stays on its recent trajectory. And recent labor market data suggests some weakening.

The unemployment rate rose to 4.1% in June, despite the fact that American employers added 206,000 jobs. U.S. job openings also fell slightly last month. Add that to the rise in layoffs, and the Fed could be poised to cut interest rates next month, as most analysts expect.

The four-week average of claims, which smooths out some of the weekly ups and downs, rose by 2,500 to 238,000.

The total number of Americans receiving unemployment benefits in the week of July 20 jumped by 33,000 to 1.88 million. The four-week average for continuing claims rose to 1,857,000, the highest since December 2021.

Continuing claims have been rising in recent months, suggesting that some Americans receiving unemployment benefits are finding it harder to get jobs.

There have been job cuts across a range of sectors this year, from agricultural manufacturing Deerefor media such as CNNIt is in another place.


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