
a 9-step system to level up your finances and build wealth



Author and host of “The Money Guy Show” podcast, Brian Preston, sits down to share tips on where to start to regain your financial freedom. He also shares details about his 9-step system for building wealth.

You can buy your copy of “Millionaire Mission” at

I wrote Millionaire Mission to inspire this generation to be better with money!

My success was fueled by the books I read at the beginning of my journey. This book can change your life – no matter where you are financially or where you come from.

If you’re just starting out, your future will be bright if you can understand these financial truths. If you have a seasoned seven-figure success story, you’ll find tips to help you fine-tune the details. If you’re behind, this could be your resource to catch up and get through. I expect Millionaire Mission It’s your financial rocket fuel, propelling you towards a more beautiful tomorrow!

Taking control of your financial freedom is simpler than you think.

In fact, your money should work harder than you do.

Remember “PEMDAS” from primary school? It’s an acronym that helps break down complex math problems into simple steps. When it comes to managing your money, following a similar process – the Financial Order of Operations – will demystify your money and show you the path to building transformative wealth with the tools you already have available. Each chapter of the book details a stage of the Financial Order of Operations.


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