
How to Have Fun This Summer Without Going into Debt



Despite complaints about inflation and tight budgets, a recent survey found that more than a third of Americans said they expect to go into debt this summer to take a vacation.

And when they say “debt,” they most likely mean the most toxic kind – credit card debt, with an average interest rate of over 20%.

Personal finance experts say there are many affordable ways to take the family on vacation without going into debt. One key is to choose a location within driving distance. Avoiding airline tickets will not only save you money, but it will also reduce the level of stress and frustration that is a normal part of air travel these days.

Yes, a trip to Disney World can be memorable, but there are plenty of less expensive alternatives. Each state has a network of state parks, and many offer affordable lodging. Sometimes nearby cities offer a cheap getaway.

For example, Travel & Leisure recently highlighted Pittsburgh as a kid-friendly destination by offering the Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium to the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh. There are things for adults too, from a 10-day Grand Prix featuring vintage cars to Major League Baseball.

Dollars and meaning

Personal finance advisors suggest making a budget before making vacation plans. Know how much you have to spend and plan accordingly.

Consider this: If you spend $1,200 of savings on your vacation, that’s all it will cost you. When you return home, there is no additional cost.

But if you spend $5,000 and put it on your credit card without paying the balance, that vacation will cost you $1,000 more per year.

Mark HuffmanReporter

Mark Huffman has been a consumer news reporter for ConsumerAffairs since 2004. He covers real estate, gas prices and the economy and has reported extensively on negative options sales. Previously, he was a reporter and editor for the Associated Press in Washington, D.C., and a correspondent for Westwood One Radio Networks and Marketwatch.

Read the full biography

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