
Man in finance: from the sofa to David Guetta’s remix



Although Megan says she “couldn’t be less interested in dating,” she also says she’s not too worried about launching a music career.

Universal Music Group – the record label behind some of the world’s biggest stars, including Taylor Swift, Harry Styles and Ariana Grande – offered her a publishing deal.

This means she can make some money from royalties from the song, which she says hasn’t been as profitable as some people assume.

“I made money from it, but not from using TikTok,” she says, which anyone can use for free.

Megan now has more than a quarter of a million followers on the app and told Newsbeat after posting the original video: “in the space of a week my life has been turned upside down.”

She says she also received an offer to do a full album, but decided to turn it down.

“I thought, ‘What makes you think I can write a song? What makes you think I could write an album?’” she says.

“I’m such an unserious person.

“I don’t fit in. I’m just not interested in writing music.”


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