
Mayer Brown advises CBPE Capital on the sale of Perspective Financial Group | News



Perspective is a financial planning and wealth advisory firm with 40 offices across the UK and over 500 employees, 140 of whom are financial planners. Since CBPE’s investment in December 2019, 45 acquisitions have been completed, growing from £2.6 to £8 billion of assets under management through an investment strategy focused on buy and build.

Mayer Brown also advised CBPE on its investment in Perspective with the current management team in December 2019.

The Mayer Brown team was led by Private Equity partner James West and included corporate and securities consultant Jessica Kolhorn and associates Niki Mehta and Damini Kotecha, financial services regulatory and enforcement partners Musonda Kapotwe and Chris Chapman, and associates Charlotte Tarr and Oliver Williams, tax partner James Hill and senior associate Jack Feehan, employment partner Christopher Fisher, counsel Katherine Fox and associate Ruth Neligan, real estate partner Iain Roberts, IP partner Mark Prinsley and associate Ellen Hepworth, senior pensions associate Henry Corrigan, international trade and sanctions partner Jason Hungerford and associate James Ford, senior finance associate Bridget Polkinghorne and associate Veronica Lee (all in London).


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