
Trump’s Crypto Support Boosts His Chances in Prediction Markets



As the US presidential election approaches, Donald Trump’s commitment to cryptocurrencies sets him apart from the Democratic candidate and gives him a lead in prediction markets.

Trump has openly supported the digital assets industry, promising to bring the U into operation in this area and commute the sentence of the founder of Silk Road Ross Ulbricht. This pro-crypto stance is welcomed by the community and stands in stark contrast to the more reserved approach of the current administration.

Prediction markets like Polymarket and PredictIt reflect a positive shift in favor of Trump. Over the past week, Trump’s chances have improved by two percentage points. Polymarket, reaching 56%, while Joe Biden’s chances decreased to 37%. Likewise, PredictIt shows a slight decline in Biden’s stocks, suggesting a 44% re-election probability based on current stock prices.

The impact of Trump’s pro-crypto policies is also visible in market activities. A notable example involves a trader who benefited significantly of a Trump-themed cryptocurrency, highlighting how political endorsements can influence market dynamics.

Amidst this, TRON founder Justin Sun made a strong appeal to the cryptocurrency community to support leaders who value and protect their interests, highlighting the crucial role they play as stakeholders in the digital landscape.


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