
Uniswap Wallet partners with Transak for seamless cryptocurrency purchases



Uniswap Labs, the maker of the popular Uniswap wallet, is partnering with Transak, a leading Web3 payment infrastructure provider, to improve the user experience by providing a seamless on-ramp to decentralized finance (DeFi).

According to announcementUsers can purchase crypto directly through the Uniswap wallet using Transak’s extensive payment options, including Apple Pay, Google Pay, credit/debit cards, and 20+ localized methods.

To initiate a purchase, users simply select the “Buy cryptocurrencies with card” option or tap the credit card icon in the Uniswap Wallet interface. This intuitive process aims to appeal to both newcomers and experienced users looking for a simplified way to interact with DeFi.

Transak’s design facilitates transactions between over 169 nations and tokens across 5 distinct networks, ensuring a seamless experience for all Uniswap wallet users worldwide.

This integration simplifies access to over 1,900 trading pairs on Uniswap, leveraging Transak’s robust infrastructure to support transactions across multiple networks. The move reflects a broader effort to make DeFi more accessible globally, marking a significant milestone in advancing the adoption of decentralized financial services.

Mary Catherine Lader, COO of Uniswap Labs, highlighted the partnership’s goal of making DeFi accessible to everyone by creating a friendly onboarding experience that welcomes newcomers.

Sami Start, CEO and Co-Founder of Transak, said: “We are excited to join forces with Uniswap Wallet to simplify the DeFi journey for users globally. This integration aligns perfectly with our mission to foster a more accessible and inclusive financial ecosystem, enabling everyone to participate in the Web3 revolution.”

Transak and Uniswap Labs are dedicated to using blockchain technology to democratize access to financial services. This collaboration reflects their shared goal of developing a more open and user-friendly Web3-based financial environment.

Read also: Uniswap Labs Elevates the Game with Purchase of “Crypto: The Game”


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