
Westminster Accounts: Campaign Finance Tracker | Politics News



As part of the Westminster Accounts series, Sky News and Tortoise Media have collaborated to create a live tracker of all donations made during election periods.

Wednesday, 3 July 2024 13:44, United Kingdom

The live tracker will show you who is raising the most money, who the big spenders are, and who they are donating the money to.

These graphs will be automatically updated whenever the Electoral Commission publishes new data on donations made to political parties during the election period.

During the general election period, parties are required to make weekly reports on donations received.

This graph shows the amount of donations that all parties received in each pre-election week. The dates correspond to the beginning of the pre-election week:

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This table shows who is donating to the holidays.

Click the arrow next to “Amount” to sort donations in ascending or descending order:

This is a limited version of the story, so unfortunately this content is not available.

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This table shows the latest available data on new donations reported to the Electoral Commission. The “Last Updated” date at the top of the table indicates when we last checked for new data:

This is a limited version of the story, so unfortunately this content is not available.

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Please note: The threshold for political parties to report donations to the Commission increased in January 2024. Following a change in the law by the UK government, parties are now required to report donations above £11,180 (previously £7,500).


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